Language: 简体中文 English

Takashi Yamamura

Kyoto University

Name: Takashi Yamamura
Sex: Male
Birth Date: October 18, 1955
Nationality: Japanese
Current address; Tokyo, Japan

1984  M.D.   Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University 
1991  Ph.D.  Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University 

Professional Training and Employment:
1980      Passed the Examination of National Board 
1980-1981 Resident; Department of Neurology and Geriatrics, Kyoto University 
1981-1984 Staff Neurologist; Department of Neurology, Sumitomo Hospital 
1984-1987 Research fellow; National Institute of Neuroscience, NNCP, Tokyo
1987-1989 Visiting fellow; Max-Planck Society, Wurzburg, GERMANY
(Recipient of Alexander von Humboldt scholarship: Host; Prof. Hartmut Wekerle)
1989-1990 Research fellow; Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA (Host; Prof. Marjorie Lees)
1990-1999 Section Chief; Department of Demyelinating Disease & Aging, National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP), Kodaira, Tokyo 
1995               Sabbatical leave for 6 months staying at The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
1999-present Director; Department of Immunology, National Institute of Neuroscience, 
NCNP, Tokyo
2010-present Director, Multiple Sclerosis Center, NCNP
2023-present Professor, Department of Therapeutics for Multiple System Atrophy, Graduate School 
of Medicine, Kyoto University




Please be noted that the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to Oct.15, 2024!